Useful Flange Backing Ring Tables

Standards of pipework flanges vary across the world and in many cases they are not directly interchangeable. Differences can occur in the size, drilling pattern and pressure rating. For example a PN10 flange is not rated to the same pressure class as a PN16 flange, An imperial Table D flange may not fit with a metric PN10 flange and a PN16 metric flange would not fit with an ANSI Class 150 flange).

Woodside Fusion have a range of flange backing rings to compliment our polyethylene stub flanges.  We are ready to give advice over the phone as to the suitability of each flange backing ring material, but our website also holds a lot of useful information to help you select the correct flange backing ring for your application.

Our Flange Backing Ring tables below cover our standard backing ring ranges. We have also included a small jargon buster to help you understand the frequently used terminology in our tables.

Key to Flange Jargon

Woodside Code:  This is the code by which we identify our products on our website and our stock system. Ring us or email us and quote this code and we can help you with stock levels and pricing.
Flange DN:  DN is a well-used abbreviation in the pipework industry for Diameter Nominal. The DN usually relates to steel pipework and slip flanges and bears on the diameter of the pipe that the flange terminates. We list our DN sizes in Metric and Imperial and our sales team are fluent with both measurements.
Flange PN (Drillings):  PN is  an abbreviation for Pressure Nominal. This usually denotes the pressure rating of the pipework and the hole spacing in the flange. For example a 200mm PN16 (16 bar) flange backing ring has more bolt holes than a 200mm PN10 (10bar) flange backing ring.
PE Pipe size:  Most of our flange backing rings are for use with our PE stub flanges, so we included this column as a handy guide to show you which PE stub would be most compatible.
Flange OD:  This is the overall Outer Diameter of the flange backing ring.
Flange ID:  This is the Inner Diameter of the flange backing ring. You need to pay attention to this dimension to ensure it is compatible with the stub flange adaptor you are using the backing ring with.
Flange Thickness:  Our flanges vary in thickness depending on materials and production methods.
PCD:  The PCD is an abbreviation for Pitch Circe Diameter. Imagine a circle passing through the centre of the bolt holes in a flange backing ring, the PCD is the diameter of that circle.
No of Bolt Holes:  The number of holes in our flange backing rings increase as the flange size increases. They also vary depending on the PN (pressure nominal) that the flange has to withstand when installed.
Diameter of Holes:  Our flange backing rings are drilled/sized to take a metric bolt with 2mm total clearance.
Bolt Size:  Recommended Metric Bolt Diameter.

Flange Drawing


Woodside Code Compatible PE Pipe Size (mm) Flange DN (Metric) Flange DN (Imperial) Flange PN (Drillings) Flange OD D (mm) Flange ID D1 (mm) Flange Thickness B (mm) PCD K (mm) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Size of Bolts
WFSB025020G 25 20 3/4" PN 16/10 105 34 7 75 4 14 M 12
WFSB032025G 32 25 1" PN 16/10 115 42 8 85 4 14 M 12
WFSB040032G 40 32 1-1/4" PN 16/10 140 52 8 100 4 18 M 16
WFSB050040G 50 40 1/1/2" PN 16/10 150 63 8 110 4 18 M 16
WFSB063050G 63 50 2" PN 16/10 165 78 8 125 4 18 M 16
WFSB075065G 75 65 2-1/2" PN 16/10 185 92 8 145 4 18 M 16
WFSB090080G 90 80 3" PN 16/10 200 108 8 160 8 18 M 16
WFSB110100G 110 100 4" PN 16/10 220 128 10 180 8 18 M 16
WFSB125100G 125 100 4" PN 16/10 220 135 10 180 8 18 M 16
WFSB160150G 160 150 6" PN 16/10 285 178 10 240 8 22 M 20
WFSB180150G 180 150 6" PN 16/10 285 186 10 240 8 22 M 20
WFSB200200G 200/225 200 8" PN 16 340 236 10 295 12 22 M 20
WFSB250250G 250 250 10" PN 16 405 289 15 355 12 26 M 24
WFSB280250G 280 250 10" PN 16 405 295 15 355 12 26 M 24
WFSB315300G 315 300 12" PN 16 460 339 15 410 12 26 M 24
WFSB355350G 355 350 14" PN 16 520 376 20 470 16 26 M 24
WFSB400400G 400 400 16" PN 16 580 431 25 525 16 30 M 27
WFSB450450G 450 450 18" PN 16 670 517 25 585 20 33 M 30
WFSB500450G 450 500 18" PN 16 715 517 25 650 20 33 M 30
WFSB500500G 500 500 20" PN 16 715 533 30 650 20 33 M 30


Woodside Code Compatible PE Pipe Size (mm) Flange DN (Metric) Flange DN (Imperial) Flange PN (Drillings) Flange OD D (mm) Flange ID D1 (mm) Flange Thickness B (mm) PCD K (mm) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Size of Bolts
WFSB200PN10G 200/225 200 8" PN 10 340 238 10 295 8 22 M 20
WFSB250PN10G 250 250 10" PN 10 395 289 15 350 12 22 M 20
WFSB280PN10G 280 250 10" PN 10 395 295 15 350 12 22 M 20
WFSB315PN10G 315 300 12" PN 10 445 339 15 400 12 22 M 20
WFSB355PN10G 355 350 14" PN 10 505 377 20 460 16 22 M 20
WFSB400PN10G 400 400 16" PN 10 565 431 25 515 16 26 M 24
WFSB450PN10G 450 450 18" PN 10 615 470 25 565 20 26 M 24
WFSB500PN10G 500 500 20" PN 10 670 533 30 620 20 26 M 24


Woodside Code Compatible PE Pipe Size Flange DN (Metric) Flange DN (Imperial) Flange PN (Drillings) Flange OD D (mm) Flange ID D1 (mm) Flange Thickness B (mm) PCD K (mm) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Size of Bolts
WFSB025020Z 25 20 3/4" PN 16/10 105 34 12 75 4 14 M 12
WFSB032025Z 32 25 1" PN 16/10 115 42 14 85 4 14 M 12
WFSB040032Z 40 32 1-1/4" PN 16/10 140 52 14 100 4 18 M 16
WFSB050040Z 50 40 1/1/2" PN 16/10 150 63 16 110 4 18 M 16
WFSB063050Z 63 50 2" PN 16/10 165 78 16 125 4 18 M 16
WFSB075065Z 75 65 2-1/2" PN 16/10 185 92 16 145 4 18 M 16
WFSB090080Z 90 80 3" PN 16/10 200 108 18 160 8 18 M 16
WFSB110100Z 110 100 4" PN 16/10 220 128 18 180 8 18 M 16
WFSB125100Z 125 100 4" PN 16/10 220 135 18 180 8 18 M 16
WFSB140125Z 140 125 5" PN 16/10 250 158 18 210 8 18 M 16
WFSB160150Z 160 150 6" PN 16/10 285 178 20 240 8 22 M 20
WFSB180150Z 180 150 6" PN 16/10 285 186 20 240 8 22 M 20
WFSB225200Z 200 200 8" PN 16 340 236 23 295 12 22 M 20
WFSB200200Z 225 200 8" PN 16 340 238 23 295 12 22 M 25
WFSB250250Z 250 250 10" PN 16 405 289 29 355 12 26 M 24
WFSB280250Z 280 250 10" PN 16 405 295 29 355 12 26 M 24
WFSB315300Z 315 300 12" PN 16 460 339 34 410 12 26 M 24
WFSB355350Z 355 350 14" PN 16 520 376 36 470 16 26 M 24
WFSB400400Z 400 400 16" PN 16 580 431 41 525 16 30 M 27
WFSB450450Z 450 450 18" PN 16 670 517 42 585 20 33 M 30
WFSB500450Z 450 500 18" PN 16 715 517 42 650 20 33 M 30
WFSB500500Z 500 500 20" PN 16 715 533 42 650 20 33 M 30


Woodside Code Compatible PE Pipe Size (mm) Flange DN (Metric) Flange DN (Imperial) Flange PN (Drillings) Flange OD D (mm) Flange ID D1 (mm) Flange Thickness B (mm) PCD K (mm) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Size of Bolts
WFSB025020SS 25 20 3/4" PN 16/10 105 34 7 75 4 14 M 12
WFSB032025SS 32 25 1" PN 16/10 115 42 7 85 4 14 M 12
WFSB040032SS 40 32 1-1/4" PN 16/10 140 52 7 100 4 18 M 16
WFSB050040SS 50 40 1/1/2" PN 16/10 150 63 7 110 4 18 M 16
WFSB063050SS 63 50 2" PN 16/10 165 78 8 125 4 18 M 16
WFSB075065SS 75 65 2-1/2" PN 16/10 185 92 8 145 4 18 M 16
WFSB090080SS 90 80 3" PN 16/10 200 108 10 160 8 18 M 16
WFSB110100SS 110 100 4" PN 16/10 220 128 10 180 8 18 M 16
WFSB125100SS 125 100 4" PN 16/10 220 135 10 180 8 18 M 16
WFSB140125SS 140 125 5" PN 16/10 250 158 13 210 8 18 M 16
WFSB160150SS 160 150 6" PN 16/10 285 178 13 240 8 22 M 20
WFSB180150SS 180 150 6" PN 16/10 285 186 10 240 8 22 M 20
WFSB200200SS 200/225 200 8" PN 16 340 236 10 295 12 22 M 24
WFSB250250SS 250 250 10" PN 16 405 289 15 355 12 26 M 24
WFSB280250SS 280 250 10" PN 16 405 295 15 355 12 26 M 24
WFSB315300SS 315 300 12" PN 16 460 339 15 410 12 26 M 24


Woodside Code Compatible PE Pipe Size (mm) Flange DN (Metric) Flange DN (Imperial) Flange PN (Drillings) Flange OD D (mm) Flange ID D1 (mm) Flange Thickness B (mm) PCD K (mm) No. of Bolt Holes Diameter of Holes Size of Bolts
25 3/4" ASA Class 150 105 34 6 75 4 14 M 12
32 1" ASA Class 150 115 42 6 85 4 14 M 12
40 1-1/4" ASA Class 150 140 52 6 100 4 18 M 16
50 1/1/2" ASA Class 150 150 63 6 110 4 18 M 16
63 2" ASA Class 150 165 78 8 125 4 18 M 16
75 2-1/2" ASA Class 150 185 92 8 145 4 18 M 16
90 3" ASA Class 150 200 108 8 160 8 18 M 16
110 4" ASA Class 150 220 128 10 180 8 18 M 16
125 4" ASA Class 150 220 135 10 180 8 18 M 16
140 5" ASA Class 150
160 6" ASA Class 150
180 6" ASA Class 150
200 8" ASA Class 150
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